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The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program (formerly Section 8) is a federally funded rental assistance program for low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled. The HCV program provides eligible families an opportunity to broaden their housing options in the private rental market. The Montgomery Housing Authority (MHA) administers over 3,000 HCV vouchers in Autauga, Elmore, and Montgomery Counties. MHA also provides Project-Based rental assistance where the rental assistance is tied to a specific unit. In addition, MHA has several special purpose voucher programs including, Homeownership and Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH), Foster Youth Initiative, and Emergency Housing Vouchers. HUD-VASH is a collaborative program that pairs HUD’s HCV rental assistance with VA case management and supportive services for homeless Veterans. Under the Foster Youth Initiative Program. PHAs provide housing assistance on behalf of youth at least 18 years and not more than 24 years of age (have not reached their 25th birthday) who left foster care or will leave foster care within 90 days. The Emergency Housing Voucher Program (EHV) is a program that assists individuals and families who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, fleeing, or attempting to flee, domestic violence. dating violence, sexual assault. stalking, or human trafficking, or were recently homeless or have a high risk of housing instability. Applicants to the HCV Program must meet a number of requirements detailed in the MHA HCV Administrative Plan.
How to List Your Property
Click Here to go to the Affordable Housing website.
In just one easy step, a landlord can advertise their property to thousands of potential residents. Listing your property at allows participating Landlords to list available rental properties.
Once your property has been listed, you may be contacted by a prospective tenant. Important things to remember are -you must complete the necessary documentation required by MHA HCV Program, and once your property has been listed, you may be contacted by a prospective tenant. An HQS Inspection must be completed by our contracted inspection company and pass inspection to conclude the HCVP occupancy process.
Becoming a Landlord
How To Qualify
The landlord must agree to accept subsidy for their tenant, by entering into a Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contract with the MHA.
The dwelling unit must pass the program’s housing quality standards and be maintained up to those standards as long as the owner receives housing assistance payments. The rent requested must be reasonable and the landlord must not charge the tenant any amount other than what the MHA has determined to be the tenants’ portion of rent.
Inspection Process
Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program regulations at 24 CFR Part 982 set forth basic housing quality standards (HQS) which all units must meet before assistance can be paid on behalf of a family and at least annually throughout the term of the assisted tenancy. HQS defines “standard housing” and establishes the minimum criteria for the health and safety of program participants. Current HQS regulations consist of 13 key aspects of housing quality, performance requirements, and acceptability criteria to meet each performance requirement. HQS includes requirements for all housing types, including single and multi-family dwelling units, as well as manufactured homes.
Getting Paid
Once the MHA approves an eligible family’s housing unit, and the unit has passed inspection, the family and/or landlord must provide a copy of the lease agreement signed between the landlord and the family. The landlord and the MHA sign a HAP contract that runs for the same term as the lease. The deadline for MHA to receive and process new HAP contracts submitted to MHA is the 25th of each month. New Contracts turned in after the 25th will not have payments processed until after the second full month of occupancy. HAP payments are generated between the first and the fifth of the month, following the execution of the HAP contract.
The Housing Choice Voucher and Project-Based Voucher waiting list is currently closed. Units under the Project-Based program are currently located at the Plaza at Centennial Hill, 505 Percy Drive, Montgomery, AL 36104. Once the waitlists re-open, you will be required to submit an online application.
In order to transfer your voucher to Montgomery, Alabama, you must be either a current participant or new admission from another Housing Authority. You must first notify your Housing Authority (referred to as the initial Housing Authority). The initial Housing Authority will determine if you are eligible to port (transfer) to another jurisdiction.
If eligible, your current Housing Authority (initial Housing Authority) must email or mail your portability packet to MHA.
The initial Housing Authority must forward the following documents to MHA:
These documents should be emailed or mailed to:
Montgomery Housing Authority
Attn: Special Programs Coordinator
525 S. Lawrence Street
Montgomery, AL 36104
Landlord Workshop Information
525 South Lawrence St.
Montgomery, AL 36104
8:00am – 4:30pm